When Less Certainty Leads to More Opportunity
I’ve always found myself drawn to new challenges, even when I wasn’t entirely sure what the outcome would be. After more than 11 years as a Business Systems Analyst, I decided to take a leap into something new — a role that felt outside my comfort zone.
I transitioned to a startup focused on RPA (Robotic Process Automation) products, stepping into the position of a Scrum Master. It was a departure from my previous role, but I was determined to adapt, learn, and contribute to the team in any way I could.
Shortly after, the startup was acquired by Microsoft, and the product we had been building became Power Automate Desktop. This acquisition led to a completely new opportunity — one that I hadn’t even imagined when I joined the startup. I was offered a role at Microsoft as a Senior Product Manager. Stepping into a product management role at a large company was both exciting and intimidating. I didn’t have the years of experience in product management that many others did, but I was willing to embrace the uncertainty and focus on the strengths I did have.
Looking back, I realize that if I had overthought every detail of that decision — if I had focused solely on the risks and uncertainties — I might have hesitated. I might have stayed in my comfort zone and missed out on the opportunity to grow, both personally and professionally.
The Science of Embracing Uncertainty
What I didn’t realize back then is that there is actually scientific research supporting the idea that embracing uncertainty can have positive effects on our decision-making and personal growth. Recent studies suggest that uncertainty doesn’t have to be seen as a negative force. When we become comfortable with the unknown, our brains engage in more creative and flexible thinking, leading to better problem-solving and innovation.
According to research highlighted by Maggie Jackson in her book Uncertain: The Wisdom and Wonder of Being Unsure, uncertainty can help us build resilience and adapt more effectively to change. It’s not just about enduring discomfort — it’s about learning to see the unknown as a place of potential and possibility. This shift in mindset can even lead to new neural pathways forming, allowing us to approach challenges with more creativity and a sense of curiosity(Mindful).
Turning Fear into Growth
It’s natural to want certainty, as our brains are wired to avoid uncertainty due to its association with danger. But by gradually exposing ourselves to uncertain situations, we can train our brains to become more tolerant of ambiguity. This resilience helps us better handle unexpected challenges in both our personal and professional lives(Mindful).
In fact, studies show that individuals who embrace uncertainty tend to experience a boost in cognitive flexibility and emotional well-being. Instead of viewing the unknown as a threat, these individuals cultivate a mindset of curiosity. This shift in perspective allows us to be more open to other people’s ideas, engage in deeper learning, and ultimately become more adaptable to change(Mindful).
Moving Forward with Uncertainty
If I had waited for complete certainty before taking each step in my career, I might never have made the transitions that led to new opportunities and growth. It’s a lesson I’ve learned over time: sometimes, having less certainty actually leaves more room for opportunity.
In a world that’s constantly changing, maybe the best thing we can do is to be comfortable with not knowing. After all, as the research suggests, embracing the unknown can help us stay open to new possibilities and strengthen our ability to navigate life’s unpredictability.
So, the next time you find yourself facing a decision without all the answers, consider it an invitation to grow. Trust yourself, take the leap, and see what happens on the other side.